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Manhwa Update - New Artist

Writer's picture: RinaRina

Generally here at ThamaEdits we mainly discuss the webnovel, but since many of us are fans of both mediums we wanted to inform you about a sad recent development with the manhwa.

We were a bit slow on the uptake due to the insanity of the holiday season, but on November 24th the second season of the ISTDF manhwa ended and it was announced that the series artist NU엔유 would not be returning to complete the rest of the series, likely due to her long term health struggles.

The following announcement was published on Kakaopage:

Season 2 Finale Announcement

Hello, Dear Readers,

With episode 143, Season 2 of “I'll Save this Damned Family” has come to an end.

We thank you for your love and interest, and we are sorry to announce the sudden completion of Season 2.

With this 143rd episode, the artist will be completing their important journey with the work, and we will continue the story of <I'll Save This Damned Family> with a new artist. We will be taking a hiatus of about 3 months to prepare for the transition, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and apologies for your patience.

We'll do our best to come back with a new artist and an even better story.

Thank you for your continued interest and support, and we look forward to meeting your expectations after the hiatus.

With gratitude.

시즌2 완결 안내

안녕하세요, 독자 여러분.

<망할 가문을 살려보겠습니다>는 143화로 시즌2가 마무리 되었습니다.

그동안 주신 사랑과 관심에 감사드리며 갑작스럽게 시즌2 완결 소식을 전하게 되어 송구스러운 마음입니다.

이번 143화를 마지막으로 그림 작가님께서 소중한 여정을 마무리하시고,

이후에는 새로운 작가님과 함께 <망할 가문을 살려보겠습니다>의 이야기를 이어나갈 예정입니다.

원활한 작품 준비를 위해 약 3개월의 휴재 기간을 가지려 하며,

기다려 주시는 여러분께 깊은 감사와 사과의 마음을 전합니다.

새로운 작가님과 함께 더 멋진 이야기로 돌아올 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

여러분의 변함없는 관심과 응원에 감사드리며,

휴재 이후 기대에 부응하는 작품으로 찾아뵙겠습니다.


All of us initially fell in love with this series because of NU's unique art, so all of us are pretty sad and disappointed by this outcome and the fact we'll never get to see NU's version of some of our favourite Kyle and Tara moments.

All of us here at ThamaEdits hope that NU gets time to recuperate and hope she will eventually be able to move onto new projects in the future.

Thank you NU for all of the beautiful art you made for this series ❤️!

We encourage you to share your favourite panels from the manhwa below if you're a fan!

We will likely hear an update about Season 3 of the manhwa and the new artist in February 2025. All of us have our fingers crossed they will do the series justice.


Jan 06

I have mixed feelings about the news. First, yes, I fell in love with NU unique style especially in S1 and I LOVED the style she ended the season with. However, most probably due to her declining health, S2 was vastly... disappointing from the drawing style point of view, very basic and with a large use of pre-made sets. So I must say that studios must take more care of their artists and wish NU all the best and that she recovers. And then selfishly I hope the new artist will be talented and make me fall in love again with the manhwa.

Jan 06
Replying to

I feel this as well. I was disappointed a lot this season as well and I felt bad about it since I knew it was likely due to her chronic health problems. I also have high hopes for the new artist and have my fingers crossed we'll get a good replacement!


So sad but I hope the artist will recover her health soon 🙏🏽 I know the series won't be the same but I hope the new artist will give lot of love to the series and that we readers still show a lot of support ✨ Thanks for the update!


Jan 05

I saw this—they reaaaaally need to support artists better. Hoping the new artist is as talented!


Jan 05

Ah! This makes so much sense now!

I love NU’s unique drawing style and it was what drew me to start this series.

However I noted in the last few chapters (esp ep140 - 141 first kiss arc) it was very rough and basic. Lacked the usual intricacies it needed. I really was quite disappointed since there was a lot of build up to these episodes and it fell….short. A little underwhelming really.

I hope they manage to replace a good artist who will do this beautiful story justice.

Hope NU cont to take care of her health and we can see her work in other series!

Jan 06
Replying to

Completely agree


Jan 04

While I'm sorry to lose the continuity with having the same artist, considering how ill NU has been, I'd rather say hello to a new artist and see what kind of art they have in store for us while she takes the time to look after her health. I am looking forward to seeing what the new artist chooses to do with it.


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