ThamalascaAug 31, 2022CommunitySurrender (19+)Fanfic: written by me (Thamalasca). It isn't canon but does refer to canon elements in the novel from various chapters, noticeably...
ThamalascaJun 1, 2022CommunityUnexpected feelingsFanfic: Written by me (Thamalasca). As others it isn't canon but does contain canon elements. To understand it, you have to read chapter...
RinaMay 22, 2022CommunityTheory: (Over)Analyzing the Opening Scene of the Manhwa Rina gets out her conspiracy board and string and tries to figure out when the opening scene of the manhwa happens as well as a bunch of...
ThamalascaApr 30, 2022CommunityLast Minute PreparationsFanfic: Written by me (Thamalasca). It isn't canon, though it does contain canon references from the novel. (read up to chapter 186)....
ThamalascaApr 30, 2022CommunityArabesquesFanfic: written by me (Thamalasca). It isn't canon, though it does refer to canon elements in the novel. (You need to read up to chapter...
ThamalascaApr 16, 2022CommunityWelcome to our little Community!Here, as a Member, you will be able to publish fanfic, fanart, theories and speculations about our favorite Light Novel. Please send your...